Monday, October 7, 2013

Family Rules

Family rules are very important. There are four ways to go about rules. First, you don't enforce them. If you do not enforce the rules or don't even have any in the house then the children will not take you seriously or gain respect for your views or opinions. The child will just end up doing whatever they want instead of what is best for them. They don't understand how the real world works and what is good or bad for them.

Second, you enforce the rules but are hypocritical in doing so. You may tell your child not to drink or swear and then find yourself doing those very things forbidden to your child. Children copy us a lot more than you think. They are always watching to understand and to see how to react to daily situations that occur. We should never say, "Do as I say, not as I do." Here is a video that demonstrates exactly what I'm talking about:

Third, we over enforce rules. We may want the best for our children but if we bog them down with intense rules and strict behaviors they are more subject for rebellion. If they rebel there is no telling what will happen or where they will end up.

Fourth, is the sweet spot. When you understand that you have to give a little in respectful places and be more strict in others. When children see that you understand their views and opinions then they are more subject to respect your views and opinions. The tricky part with this is knowing when to bend a little but when you get it right, it should feel like this...

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